Building Skills & Strategies to Improve School Success & Well-Being

My Mission

My mission in creating Enlighten Executive Functioning Coaching & Consulting is to help kids, teens, as well as the adults that support them, with developing their Executive Functioning (EF) skill set. I also support adults with developing their EF skills to assist in balancing the many demands of day to day life. Executive Functions are the mental processes that allow us to successfully plan, focus on the task at hand, manage time effectively, control impulses, and self-monitor our progress. These are the skills that are often not taught formally in school settings, but are crucial for creating well-rounded individuals have the skills to thrive. Improved EF skills increase a student's academic success and help create a smoother path to achieving their goals both in and out of school. Improved EF Skills help adults successfully and efficiently manage the These are life skills that are applicable in all areas of our lives and help reduce levels of stress, balance our responsibilities and demands, and increase our sense of self-confidence and well-being. My mission is to connect with more students, adults, and families to help improve EF skills so that school feels less like a struggle and more like success, helping students build their confidence and feel in control of managing the demands of the school day and life.


Executive Functioning

Coaching & Consulting

Coach & Consultant:

Danielle Christopherson, MSW

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About Me:

My inspiration and motivation for creating Enlighten EF Coaching & Consulting is to help kids & teens, as well as the adults that support them, with developing their Executive Functioning (EF) skill set. Executive Functions are the mental processes that allow us to successfully plan, focus on the task at hand, manage time effectively, control impulses, and self-monitor our progress. These are the skills that are often not taught formally in school settings, but are crucial for creating well-rounded individuals have the skills to thrive. Improved EF skills increase a student's academic success and help create a smoother path to achieving their goals both in and out of school. These are life skills that are applicable in all areas of our lives and help reduce levels of stress, balance our responsibilities and demands, and increase our sense of self-confidence and wellbeing.

I have several years of professional experience supporting adolescents, teens, and young adults with diverse needs related to executive functioning & social-emotional struggles. I am currently employed as an Executive Functioning Interventionist at a northern Illinois High School. When I accepted this position 3 years ago, it was a new role and program to the school, which allowed me to develop the role and the variety of EF interventions, supports, and programming that my students receive. I believe I have the ability to quickly establish positive rapport and relationships with the students I work with. This has been foundational for getting student buy-in, engagement, and openness to apply the strategies learned in the intervention sessions. Application of these strategies leads to more and more progress and success.

Additionally, my previous experience includes the following roles: Middle School Social Worker (6 years), Juvenile Counselor for the Lake County Juvenile Justice System (8.5 years), and Mentor/Tutor for Purdue Student athletes, assigned to identified students who were struggling with the transition from high school to college (2 years).

I am excited to start my journey as an Executive Functioning Coach with the hopes of connecting with more students & families who are struggling to successfully navigate the demands of school. Research has shown that executive functions can be developed and improved greatly with guidance and the right set of strategies, supports, and tools.

A little about me personally, I am married to my high school sweet heart and we have the most amazing 6 year old boy. I love being outdoors (well, in warm weather), spending time with family, traveling, boating, going on nature walks, bingeing different TV series, building Legos with my son, attending concerts, and reading suspense novels.

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A little more about

Executive Functioning:

Executive Functions are the skills & strategies that involve the process of the brain’s ability to take the steps necessary to accomplish a complex task or goal (like homework, writing a paper, cleaning a room, getting an A on a test, or applying for a job/college). It also includes the ability to self regulate (be aware of and in control of thoughts, emotions, and actions), problem solve, and overcome obstacles in order to accomplish your goals.

Executive Function skills are something that you can learn and improve upon with practice. Executive Functioning develops well into the 20's and in my opinion throughout adulthood.

Click & Sign Up Here to Receive Free Monthly Resources, Tools, & Tips about Executive Functioning!

~ EF Coaching & Consulting Services ~

Services for Students- Kids, Adolescents, Teens & Young Adults:

Free Discovery Call: 15-25 minutes. We will use this time to discuss your current challenges, concerns, strengths, and explore whether my coaching services are a good fit.

Intros, Info, & Intake: 45-60 minute session aimed at introducing myself & my services to the child/teen. Then gathering input through an informal interviews & assessments with the child & parent(s) to better understand their areas of strengths and struggles to guide a coaching plan moving forward.

EF Coaching for Students: 30-60 minute virtual individual sessions for student (elementary, middle & high School, & college students) to learn, develop, and support applying strategies and skills aimed at improving time management, organization, effective planning, advocacy & communication, self-control & decision making, stress management, &/or social-emotional skills. The coaching will focus only on the EF areas of need identified for your child.

High School Here I Come! Start off strong with strategies that will help you succeed by taking this course which includes Four 35 minute sessions (individual or group). The purpose is to prepare incoming Freshman students by learning skills & strategies to successfully navigate the demands of high school.

Step It Up: Start the School Year Off Right! Four 40 minute sessions (individual or group) to set you up for a successful school year. Maybe last year was not your best or it was stressful to manage all of the demands of school and life. Learn tips and strategies to build your confidence, reduce stress, and navigate through your school days with more ease accomplishing your tasks and goals (Similar to above but for students entering any grade level).

Accountability & Accomplishment: Support with Task Initiation and working through to Task Completion. If you struggle to start, work through, and complete tasks, assignments, and projects, let's devise a plan together & I will stay with you along the way as needed to help ensure it gets done! Will include a mid-point check-in where we will reflect on progress made to determine if you are on track to meet the set goal and if not, discussing/problem solving any obstacles that arise. Quick 5 minute progress check-ins throughout week if needed.

Communication & Assertiveness Skills Workshop: Learn positive communication and self-advocacy skills that will help you express your needs, feelings, and opinions in order to build confidence, achieve your goals, and ask for help/support when needed.

Choices & Decision Making Module: If your child is encouraged or recommended to engage in decision making sessions either by their school due to a behavioral incident (alternative to suspension) or by Juvenile Detention/Probation Services as part of a plan for court diversion (in Lake County, IL referred to as Voluntary Supervision) these sessions might be what you are looking for to cover that requirement. Parents are also welcome to enroll their child on their own if you are worried about negative behaviors or struggles with decision making. The number of sessions will be determined by what is required by the school, court, or as decided by the parent/guardian and they will focus on making positive choices, self-control, understanding consequences & impacts of choices on self and others, and strategies to deal with difficult situations and emotions appropriately.

Services for Adults- Parent/Guardian Coaching & Consulting and Adult EF Coaching Services:

Parent /Guardian EF Coaching: Separate coordinating sessions for the Parent/Caregiver(s) to further learn about how to support your child from home by understanding and reinforcing the use of EF strategies your child is learning in their coaching sessions. Learn how to implement the appropriate levels of support at home to increase your child’s independence and responsibility.

IEP & 504 Support & Advocacy: Advice and guidance through the IEP or 504 process. I have several years of experience participating in IEP/504 plan development and being a member of the IEP or 504 team. I can help ensure an exceptional plan is developed (supportive accommodations and meaningful/relevant goals/services) especially in the areas of executive functioning and social-emotional needs. I can also help explain the evaluation process so you are best equipped to advocate for your child. I can also serve as an advocate and attend alongside you at IEP or 504 meetings.

Adult EF Coaching: 30-60 minute virtual or in person individual sessions for adults to learn, develop, and apply strategies and skills aimed at improving any of the applicable/relevant topics: time management, organization, effective planning, advocacy & communication, self-control & decision making and/or emotional management. Providing support with creating a more balanced and manageable lifestyle and providing ongoing accountability check-ins as appropriate. The coaching will focus only on the EF areas of need identified.

Parent/Guardian Workshops: 30-60 minute virtual or in person workshops for parents/guardians who want to learn more about supporting their child’s executive functioning or social-emotional well-being. Typically scheduled at public locations (schools, libraries, etc.). Some workshop topics include:

  • Supporting Your Student’s Success through EF Skills and Strategies from Home, Social Media and Internet Safety, Supporting Adolescents & Teens with Social Skills & Issues (Handling Conflict, Bullying, healthy friendships, Supporting Your Child or Teen’s Mental Wellness (through positive coping & co/self-regulation strategies), Navigating the School System (learn about the ins and outs of the school system, special education supports, and variety of school supports to help increase your knowledge and ability to advocate for your child).

~Costs of Student & Parent Services~

Prices range from the Free Discovery Call to $25-$150/per session (costs depend on length of session, individual vs. group rates, & in-person vs. online sessions)- On average a typical in-person, individual session (30-40 minutes) is approximately $60 a typical group session is approximately $30-40 (depending on number of group member sand will include a written recap of the session with any helpful resource or guides for skills or strategies that were discussed or taught in the session included. ~Sessions can be conducted on a virtual platform (Zoom or Google Meet) and In-person (available at my home office in Lake Villa, IL)~

Educator Workshops & Consulting:

An experienced presenter on a variety of social-emotional learning topics. I was the keynote presenter at the ILASCD Social Emotional Learning Summit after my school district won the Whole Child Award in 2019, I have facilitated several professional development workshops to school staff on a wide range of SEL & EF topics, and presented in November 2022 & October 2023 at the Grayslake Library as part of their parenting series.

Professional Development Workshops for Educators- interactive & relevant presentations delivered to school faculty. There are a variety of SEL & EF topics that are available and I can also develop presentations designed specifically for your school’s needs. Some available presentations include:

  • Supporting Students Success-Executive Functioning Skills in the Classroom (Implementing Tier 1/School-wide interventions, strategies, and supports for developing students EF skills).
  • Building a Systems to Support School-Wide Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) & Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports (PBIS)
  • Trauma Informed Practices for School Staff
  • Crisis Prevention & Response (how to support & respond to a student in crisis- for example a student expressing thoughts of self-harm, suicide, threats to others, being hurt/abused by another, and mandated reporting.)
  • Responding to Bullying in the School Setting
  • Social Media and Internet Safety

SEL School Consultation- support with the development & implementation of School-Wide, Multi-tiered SEL and/or EF interventions and programming to create a positive school environment that takes a whole-child approach to student learning. Consultation would involved collaborating with school administration and student support staff members for a needs assessment to establish goals with an aligned action plan. Support and staff training to establish benefits and provide training of the selected programming and guidance with the implementation of the action plan. Follow ups to assess effectiveness, trouble shooting, and to support any adjustments/ additions. (Cost varies depending on schools needs and level of development & support needed).

Cost of Educator/School Services:

~Facilitating Professional Development or Parent Workshops: prices range $100-$300/per presentation (costs depending on length, type/topic & location of presentation)

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Current Parent of Enlighten Client: Ms. Christopherson has been amazing to work with. My son's difficulties with executive functioning skills lead to challenges both at home and in school, negatively affecting his grades, self-esteem, and motivation. Ms. Christopherson took the time to get to know him and find out what methods work best for him. She is respectful, caring, and has excellent ideas. My son has shown improvement with executive functioning skills, his grades have gone up, and he is showing more positive self-esteem and motivation to succeed. We continue to be thankful for Ms. Christopherson's executive functioning coaching and guidance!

Written in January 2024

High School Enlighten EF Client: Mrs. Christopherson has helped me improved greatly on my organizational and academic skills. With her help, my school performance has improved drastically because I have been taught effective methods in these fields.

Written in January 2024

Team Supervisor: "I hope you realize how much of an asset you are to this team, this school, and our students. You've brought so much to the program that we never could have envisioned when we came up with the idea (of an Executive Functioning Interventionist). Thank you for the relationships you've established, the curriculum you built, and the impact you've had on our students. You make this a better team, a stronger program, and a more supportive school for our kids."

Written in May 2022

Current Student in the Supported Study Hall I facilitate & meet with for EF interventions: "This is my favorite class, I swear you have helped me so much, in so many different ways. Every time I step in this class I just feel good, like even if I’m having a bad day, you always help me out and are helping us to succeed in life. I can’t explain or find the words to thank you just for this amazing trimester. I just wanna keep having this class and make more memories."

Retro Star Testimonial Rating

Written December 2021 by a 10th grade student)

"Written by 10th Grade Student (Remote Only Contact due to Covid)- “Genuinely it makes me sad sending this message, but I have made the move to Florida and have now been enrolled into a school over here. However, I just wanted to send you this email to say I'm going to miss you. Even though I wasn't in the building to see you physically, I was able to see you a lot over the screen (Zoom) and a couple times in person, which will be the times I will remember and hold close to me. I know I have just met you this sophomore year, but you as a person I will remember always, you had a really good effect on me and showed me I do have a future. When I graduate you're going to be one of the first people I see, so even if I have to fly back out to Illinois I will! Thank you for being the type of teacher I admire, you have such a beautiful heart and even on bad days you showed me how to just smile. Even when I could see you hand a long day, you still stayed on the screen with a smile and were so willing to help me. I will definitely miss you very much and thank you for being a teacher that I will always remember!"

Parent of Enlighten Client after meeting her son for the first time: "Thanks so much. I have to say...before the meeting he was all mad at me for setting it (EF Coaching session) up and after you two were done meeting he seemed really open to continuing it, was in a great mood, has been so talkative since then and is open to using your strategies!!

Parent responding to progress update: "This email warms my heart. Thank you so much for your time and compassion. Everyone on your team has been wonderful. We truly appreciate it. I love the planner system you created for him and we will work to keep him accountable for it from home. Thank you so much for helping us get him on track!"

(Written in August 2021

Written December 2022

Written October 2022 by a Parent of Student

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Testimoni Icon

"Some positive experiences I had in this class was meeting the amazing and very helpful teachers. I really enjoy coming in and talking to Mrs. Chris about time management and organization and anything that could help me in the future to succeed."

"Thank you for always taking time to help me when I need it and supporting me. It means so much and you have taught me how to be a better student. I am very grateful I got to have you this year!"

Written in Spring 2023 by Current Student

Past Parent after an update moving her student to a lower level of executive functioning support due to his progress: "That is fantastic news about [Name of Student] progressing and getting the support needed for Junior year, testing and SAT study skills, all of that and still getting the Executive Function help as well. I also think he is doing SO much better and he is very excited at this positive change and I am on board with it as well. Thank you SO much for keeping me informed and for helping him get to where he is. Thank you SO very much! I was also there during the Parent Open house night and was very impressed by how much effort and care goes into helping these kids achieve goals."

"It (Placement in my Supported Study Hall Section) has really been a positive move for me because ever since we were doing eLearning, when I first came back to the school my grades were really bad. Once I came into the program's classroom, I got all the help I needed. This year as well my grades were going up and down, but now I’m getting a good understanding of my work and what I need to to do in order for me to maintain positive grades."

Written in January 2022 by 10th Grade Student

"It was good to have easy access to help on whatever assignments I am working on, then some tips on how you can stay organized and manage your time throughout the day."

Current Parent responding to progress update: "This email warms my heart. Thank you so much for your time and compassion. Everyone on your team has been wonderful. We truly appreciate it. I love the planner system you created for him and we will work to keep him accountable for it from home. Thank you so much for helping us get him on track!"

Written Spring 2023 by Current Student

"Mrs. C- Thank you so much for constantly helping me and always taking time out of your day to support me."

Written Spring 2023 by Current Student

(Written in Spring 2023 by 10th grade Student


(Written in October 2022

(Written in October 2022

Contact Info:




Benefits of Coaching for Students:

  • Boost time management skills for efficient task completion and studying to create better balance between your school, family, and social life.
  • Learn organizational strategies to manage materials, assignments, activities, and deadlines with ease.
  • Have someone that is understanding of your strengths and struggles who will actively listen to you in order to help guide you with goal setting, problem solving, and working through obstacles in both academic and personal areas of your life. Someone who wants to celebrate your successes, no matter how big or small!
  • Improve communication skills for enhanced self-advocacy, team work, and social interactions.
  • Learn ways to limit distractions in order to improve your focus and concentration.
  • Express your feelings in a safe space and find more positive coping strategies to help manage negative emotions or impulsive behaviors.
  • Overall, learn a wide range of skills and strategies that if done consistently will help you effectively manage the demands of the school year resulting in increased school success while reducing school related stress.